2015/01/19 - Councils issuing Infringement Notices

2015/01/19 - Councils issuing Infringement Notices

Local Councils are issuing fines to vehicles for breaches of Local Laws.

Following a spate of Local Council Fines for minor parking infringements, we are appealing to our Customers to be aware of Local Laws in which they operate.

For most Councils, it is a breach of Local Laws to:

  • Block or partially obstruct a driveway

  • Block or partially obstruct a footpath

  • Drive onto Council land without an appropriate permit
  • Mount a kerb and drive on the nature strip

These rules apply, even if the obstruction or blockage is temporary – only a few minutes.

For example, we have received fines for obstructing a footpath/driveway for the short time it takes to unload concrete into a pump hopper. Though we had no control over the position of the Concrete Pump and that our vehicle was obstructing the Council Asset for less than a few minutes, the Council saw fit to fine us for a breach of Local Laws. What is more frustrating, is that Councils are sending their fines by mail to the registered owner of the vehicle involved in the breach. They do not approach the vehicle and driver to discuss the breach first. They are not interested in educating people as to the laws. They are not interested in who is primarily responsible for the situation. They just fine the owner of the truck and the builder as well.

Another example is driving onto Council Land. This includes: reserves, some unsealed roadways and even the nature strip in a suburban street. Again, our Customers are asking for our trucks to mount kerbs and drive onto Council Land. There are always circumstances where this cannot be avoided, but the onus is on the Customer (Builder in control of the job) to obtain an appropriate permit from the relevant Council in order to allow this without incurring fines.

We all live and work in an environment of rules and regulations. The point of this article is to make any prospective Customer of Vic Mix aware that they have an obligation to ensure they have consulted Council when undertaking construction works. Be aware that delivery of materials may require special arrangements or even permits to allow deliveries to your site. Do not assume that a temporary breach will not be acted upon. Do not assume that Council Officers will discuss the matter with you first. They generally don’t accept ignorance of the Law as an acceptable excuse.

Councils issuing Infringement Notices

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